Monday, August 26, 2013

Mini Miracles in Napanee :)

So this week I have been focusing a LOT on both expecting miracles, and noticing the ones that do happen in my life. It is amazing to see that though the things I go through and the people I talk to might not change, I DO see the Lord's hand in my life and miracles every day. I know that miracles come through faith and I have put an emphasis on pushing my faith and striving to increase my testimony that I can EXPECT these miracles to happen in my life. But now that I know they will happen, I see them all the time. I know that the Lord answers prayers and usually/almost always it is not in the way you expect/want. However, I am quickly coming to gain a very strong testimony of it being better than what we expect, or what we want. The amazing thing about these things is they are usually small things that we may not even recognize as miracles right away. 

Miracle #1: Members have been struggling with member missionary work for a LONG time in this little branch. But it really isn't just the members fault. There has been problems with missionaries in this area for a long time, so most of the members just don't expect too much... yet... However, we have been working a LOT with the Branch Presidency and we have finally been able to work out a Member Missionary Fireside to work the members. We were slightly worried about how the members would react to a couple of missionaries coming in and telling them what to do and why finding was more their role and not ours. HOWEVER, our amazing Branch President offered to do all of that part and is actually excited to work with us and help the members along. It makes it so much easier knowing that he is in full support of this plan and ready to help us with all that we need. More details on Member Missionary Fireside in the future!

Miracle #2: We have put a LOT of focus on members coming to appointments with us the past... 8 weeks... and had little to no success.... we would have many appointments bomb, but the ones we would have we were never able to get members to. This week, we have had amazingly willing members that have been stepping up to the plate and coming out with us more often. We still have just as many appointments cancel and people not show up, but now we are starting to light the fire with the members and their efforts. We are finding so many people that are willing and ready to serve the Lord, it strengthens my hope and faith as we push forward. 

Miracle #3: We have been so blessed with people to talk to everyday. We are always meeting new people and have pages and pages of numbers to call and people to talk to. We were looking back through records and talking to our District Leader about it, and though WE sometimes feel that we aren't having a lot of success or that we aren't meeting with many people, based on numbers (which OBVIOUSLY is not what it is all about) we are doing better than we think. In the last 6 weeks before we got to Napanee, there was 1 new investigator, while in the past 8 weeks that we have been here, we have had 15 new investigators! Given they definitely aren't all solid, and many were dropped before ever reaching progressing. However that is 15 deeper seeds that we know we have been able to plant in the past 8 weeks. We are so blessed to have so many people to teach, especially in such a small town, and to have such success in meeting with people. This week alone we had 3 new investigators - each a miracle of their own!

Miracle #4: As many of you (at least the ones that have read my emails...) know, we have been looking for a family to work with in this area the past few weeks. We are striving to find those that are true "Kingdom Builders" and not just "Kingdom Viewers" and the Gospel truly does bless families so we are working there. We have not seen any solid success from this yet, but we know there are many families in Napanee ready to have this message in their lives. This week we met with a few people while on our search for some Builders, that again weren't what we expected, but miracles. Sharon and John have met with missionaries for years and years. Had missionaries over for dinner and have served with them with different projects, but never actually had a lesson with them. This week we were able to sit down and begin sharing this important message that we have with them. We are going to have to take things sorta slow because they are VERY invested in their own church, but they are open and willing!

Miracle #5: Our investigator that we got last week has had a serious problem with smoking for years and years and years. Pretty much she smokes a LOT. But this weekend we talked with her about beginning to cut back, and she agreed to try. Within a day she went from smoking 100 cigarettes a day to about 10. 10! I know we still have major progress to go, but she has such a strong desire to serve God and learn of these things, it has been amazing watching her push forward. She also came to the Corn Roast that the Branch had AND invited a friend. She wants to share this good news with all she knows and is has a desire for these changes in her life. 

Miracle #6: Last one for now, mostly because Sister Wester wants to go get her hair cut, not because we ran out of miracles.... Sunday we went tracting in the short amount of time that we had between appointments. Now I don't know what y'all know of tracting... But usually people forget that they love us... When we go tracting we are supposed to go with an attitude of striving to get in and teach right then. Which makes sense! But sometimes is easy to forget with the fact that no one even lets us get to our names usually.... Well Sunday that changed. We met Kate and she let us in! Right then and there. She met with us for almost an hour and heard the message of the Restoration and is willing to meet again to hear more. It was an amazing testimony builder of the faith to find and the miracle that comes from finding those that are prepared to receive you. 

Like I said this week has been full of miracles and strength of faith for me. I am so thankful for the many people I have in my life to help me see the miracles my life is full of. I love you all and am thankful for the support and strength you all give me every day! 

Love you!
Sister Hailee Sears